with a trip to a squatter's art gallery,
the berlin wall and a new vegetarian restaurant.
but, the weather had something else in mind.
as soon as we got off the tram to walk to the s-bahn,
it started to rain.
we decided it might be best to have our umbrellas
and some better shoes,
so we turned around and went back to our hotel.
our plan was to grab what we needed and head back out.
but, after sitting down to check out the weather online
and seeing our comfy beds with fresh sheets,
we decided that taking a nap wouldn't be such a bad idea.
well, i don't know if you would call 4 hours of sleep a nap,
but that's how long we slept!
i've tried justifying it with the fact
that i still have pink eye and serious allergy problems,
but either way, i think we needed the rest.
i am thankful for the rain.
not only did it encourage a day of rest,
but it also washed away all of the pollen.
all of it. it's gone!
it was only yesterday that i complained about the pollen
and not even 24 hours later,
God has brought the rain.
He is good. and i am thankful for that.

once we woke up from our second sleep,
we headed back out to frankfurter tor.

the night before, lang came with me
to meet up with a potential contact for my photo story.
while i'm in berlin, i have to document the life of a berliner
and create a photo story to present to the class.
i was explaining some of the angles that i was interested in
to my professor and he put me in touch with noah hussin, who is from the states.
noah then pointed me to a guy named sam, who i am doing my photo story on.
sam helped to start a place. a community.
that encompasses a lot of ideals that i admire.

We host workshops, classes, events, exhibitions and projects. All are free or run on a donation basis, based on the idea that knowledge, skills, information and ideas should be available for everyone, independent of their financial situation."

i hope that i can tell sam's story in such a way that others will be inspired.
inspired to know more about a community like this.
inspired to live more communally.
and i hope that i will learn from this place. from the people who walk in and out of its doors.
so i can share what i've learned with those i love.