went downstairs
to have my professor check my final project.
made a few corrections
and then handed it in.
then went with lang to a nearby laundromat.
tried to figure out how to read instructions in german.
bought detergent when i didn't need it;
i meant to pay for the wash instead.
and then put my detergent in the wrong place.
i put it in where the fabric softener goes,
so it didn't enter my wash cycle until the end.
then, went back to the hotel and packed up everything.
at 3 pm, the group went out for our last meal together.
we went to a beer garden on the outskirts of the city.
everything was in german. and most everything had meat.
after some confusion, lang and i were able to order
a sandwich with tomato, cheese and cucumber
and a cheese and onion pizza.
then, some of us walked around a beautiful wooded area.
the most peaceful part of the day.

later tonight, some of the girls went across the street
to grab some italian food for allie's birthday.
now, i'm just trying to figure out where the heck lang and i will stay in paris.
everything is so so expensive.
pray for our day of travel tomorrow.
that it would go smoothly.
and that we would have peace.